God-Soaked World*
We live in a God-soaked world A world that exists In Him Through Him And By Him We live in a God-soaked space
Silence of the Soul
I hold silence In your presence. I hold my peace Before you. I listen to your still Small voice. In my silence, I listen
Holy Ground
We stand on holy ground When we stand with Another in pain. We stand on holy ground When we stand With friends
I see the smile on your face When I do What you have created me to do I feel the joy in your heart When I discover…..
To Fly
To fly means To leave ground. To arise means To get up. To smile means To set aside pain
Love in Suffering
In my suffering, Lord, Help me be, By your side, Holding your gaze Of love for me In my suffering…
What do you do When God surprises you With peace At a time when there’s no reason for peace? What do you do…
The Lifter of Our Heads
The burden may seem heavy, The ache may be painful, The tears may keep flowing, And our hearts may grow tired. Like Job we may carry The pain…
Incomplete Surrender
When I look back at my life, the one decision that took me a long time to arrive at, was my decision to surrender to Jesus’s call in my life to go full-time.
It is a Journey
It is a journey I have been saved, And I am being saved everyday. I have received grace, And I need His grace everyday.